Britney chose X17online to get her message out to the world -- and a strong message it is.
Brit went for a tanning session and then for a sushi dinner in Bel Air with her cousin Allie and as the two were in the tanning salon, Britney called for X17 photographer Sandro, to come in and videotape her message to the public. She told him not to ask her questions but said, simply, "It's my time."
Britney: "Hi. Yes first I want to say hey to all of my fans and I can't wait for all my stuff to come out I'm really really excited. "
And also I just want to say that I'm just really really shocked how nice our world is because it is just so nice like omg the other day I was sitting there and I saw these magazines and they said I was pregnant and it is so true like America believe everything you read because you're smart and I'm stupid like for real come on ya'll and then after that I totally saw also on the USA today because always believe everything you read it said I am drinking all the time and it was like so right it was so true like omg It was so true and like my management totally knew what they were doing when they sent me to rehab so right you know like I'm going to cry right now because the world is so nice like this lady told me she said "Britney go to the light and see Jesus" and I said omg I'm going to do it and I did and it happened!
[End Sarcasm]